Is InvisalignⓇ a Good Teeth Straightening Option For Me?

Everyone wants a dazzling, white smile of perfectly straight teeth, but not everyone wants to be bothered with braces. For all of their benefits, braces can be uncomfortable, and make you feel self-conscious while you’re wearing them. Your best option might be traditional braces if your dentist decides that you need them, or if your braces are the first step in a larger and longer treatment plan. Most people, however, can correct their alignment and their bite by using InvisalignⓇ.
Greenwich Dentistry is proud to offer the latest and greatest in Invisalign treatments to our patients. Sean Sutton, DDS, and Mark Sutton, DDS, are the experienced professionals that you need to help you straighten your teeth for your perfect smile. Both Drs. Sutton have decades of experience in the treatment of misaligned and problem teeth. Our practice offers more than Invisalign, covering all of your dental needs. First, though, let’s discuss these revolutionary aligners.
What’s the Invisalign difference?
For traditional braces, metal anchors are applied to your teeth, and wires are connected and adjusted with dental pliers. You might pick a color for the bands that go over the anchors on your teeth to make your braces look fun and customized. Every so often, you come back to your dentist to have your braces tightened, leaving your gums feeling tight and your mouth uncomfortable.
With Invisalign, however, there is a big change in procedure: instead of Dr. Sutton gluing anchors to your teeth, he takes x-rays and impressions of your teeth and uses them to create a 3-D digital model. Using special software, he creates a blueprint for your ideal results and creates clear trays just for you.
You can expect to wear your Invisalign clear aligners for at least 22 hours per day. Invisalign comfortably and quickly realigns your teeth, and you get a new set of trays every two weeks. The trays safely and gently guide your teeth to their optimal placement, instead of the harsh tightening sensations that come with traditional braces.
While getting your new trays won’t take very much time, Dr. Sutton will need to check your progress. We look forward to seeing you every 6-8 weeks to check your progress with your Invisalign treatment. The entire series normally takes approximately one year, and during this time, you will use up to 30 Invisalign trays.
Who can use Invisalign?
People who use Invisalign may not be living with misaligned teeth as their only issue. Invisalign is used to treat a variety of dental and cosmetic issues that affect teeth, including:
- Gap teeth
- Overcrowding
- Underbite
- Overbite
- Crossbite
- Open bite
Invisalign is also cleared for use for people whose smile isn’t severely affected by any dental issue and want straighter teeth. Invisalign is available for children, teens, and adults so that Dr. Sutton can give everyone a better smile.
I’m ready to start Invisalign!
Correctly aligned teeth are about more than just a pretty smile - they can stop you from biting your cheeks and tongue and help your face’s overall appearance. Let us help you get started today by calling 203-869-2066 or book an appointment with us online.
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