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Versatile Veneers: The Perfect Cover-Up

Versatile Veneers: The Perfect Cover-Up

More and more people are choosing dental veneers to enhance their smiles. Dental veneers can brighten discolored teeth, close a gap, and fix many other imperfections. People love them because they’re versatile, effective, and efficient. 

Drs. Mark and Sean Sutton at Greenwich Dentistry in Greenwich, Connecticut, help patients choose the right cosmetic procedure for their dental imperfections. Veneers are a popular choice because they’re noninvasive, relatively quick, and able to address many irregularities.

What are dental veneers

Dental veneers are razor-thin, porcelain shells that we bond to the front of one or several of your teeth. They hide imperfections while giving you a dazzling, natural-looking smile. 

Your veneers are custom-made, and we can match them to your natural tooth color. No one knows you have veneers unless you tell them. 

Who benefits from veneers 

Anyone who feels self-conscious about their smile could be a good candidate for veneers. They can cover up:

Veneers could be a good option for you if you have : 

Extensive cavities or gum disease could be disqualifying. At your consultation at Greenwich Dentistry, we assess your oral health to see if veneers are right for you. 

How veneers work 

If you’re considering veneers or are unhappy with the appearance of your teeth, our expert team can assess your teeth and oral health and make a recommendation. 

If you decide to proceed, we take a small amount of enamel from the tooth or teeth being treated. That helps the veneers adhere to the teeth. 

We then take an impression of your teeth. The dental lab uses these impressions to make your veneers. 

On your return visit, we apply the veneers to your teeth with a special bonding cement and use a laser to harden the adhesive within about 20 seconds.

What you can expect afterward

Once we place your veneers, we usually recommend waiting a few hours before eating — and sticking with soft foods to start. Some people find their teeth are extra sensitive to heat or cold in the first days after getting veneers. 

Veneers don’t require any special care. You only need to brush and floss as usual and attend regular dental checkups. 

Dental veneers can transform your smile. If you’d like to discuss whether they’re a good option for you, call our Cos Cob office today to book an appointment with the team at Greenwich Dentistry.

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